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Botox ®

Botox is a brand name for the drug: Botulinum Toxin. It is a prescription only medication. This means that the doctor will assess your suitability by providing a consultation prior to the treatment.

The consultation and treatment process can happen at the same visit.

How Does Botox Work?
Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can't contract.
Botox is most often used to reduce wrinkles on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines. The movement of muscles causes lines to become etched into the skin. By stopping the muscles moving this in turn softens wrinkles. Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity will not respond to Botox.
How can Botox be used for concerns other than wrinkles?
Botox can also be used strategically to stop muscles contracting and hence give other aesthetic results. Some of these are listed below:
Brow lift – by relaxing the muscles under the tail of the brows, this will relax the muscle and help lift the corner of the brow up by up to 3mm. The effect of this treatment is subtle but effective
Nose droop – an overactive muscle attaching the nose tip to the lip can cause the nose to droop when smiling. By reducing the activity of the muscle, the nose will droop less when smiling and talking.
Lip Flip – by relaxing the outer muscles of the top lip, this can give a subtle lift of the lip. This works well alongside lip filler treatment.
Gummy Smile – There are many muscles involved in smiling. An overactive muscle can lift the lip too high showing too much gum. Relaxing this muscle will reduce gum show but allow normal smiling.
Masseter Reduction – an overactive chewing muscle can give the appearance of larger Jaw and is also related to TMJ pain. Relaxing this muscle will help shrink the muscle slightly; this can reduce the size of the Jaw. To achieve facial slimming this process requires repeating multiple times.

How Is a Botox Procedure Done?
Getting Botox takes only a few minutes and doesn't require anaesthesia. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes 7 to 14 days to take full effect.

How Long Does a Botox Injection Last?
The effects from Botox will last three to four months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear and need to be treated again. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are shrinking.
What Are the Side Effects of Botox?
Temporary bruising is the most common side effect of Botox. Headaches, which end in 24 to 48 hours, can happen. A small percentage of patients may develop eyelid drooping. This usually ends within three weeks. Drooping usually happens when the Botox moves around, so don't rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection .
Who Should Not Receive Botox?
People who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a neurological disease should not use Botox.